Sunday, June 6, 2010

Last Sunday

Last sunday I went on a journey with my good friend Rene. We rode are bikes from Gilroy to San Juan Bapista. We were riding on some crazy highways. First we took 25, there is a sign on it that says, Stay Alive on 25. It is a very dangerous highway for cars, so we were exposed being on bikes. It was hot out and the ride took an hour and thirty minutes.
When we were there we visited the mission and took some photos during mass. It was weird being in such an old church and having the people singing and praying in Latin. Rene and I were a little creeped out by the whole thing. Then it took us two hours to get back. The directions that google gave us were insane. We thought maybe they were trying to kill us. We ended riding on farm land for about 4 miles. Rene and me have never rode that far before. We had a good time and we are looking forward to the next one. Here are just a few photos.

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